What's Happening at Missio

Join us as we follow Jesus into the world through the many happenings at Missio as our community of missional leaders bring the Gospel to life. Navigate with the links below and sign up for the convenience of a monthly newsletter to update you by email.

Thriving in Ministry Initiative

Missio Seminary (formerly Biblical Theological Seminary) received a grant of $976,616 to help establish the Program for Urban Leaders and…

Founders’ Day 2018

As the seminary moves forward in pursuit of God’s bold vision for our future we stand on the shoulders of our founders who launched this…

Eugene Peterson lectures at University Presbyterian Church in Seattle in May 2009. Photo courtesy of Creative Commons

Eugene Peterson: The Man Who Translated – and Lived – The Message

My wife called me Monday afternoon with the expected, but untimely news that my mentor and friend Eugene Peterson had passed away. “I’m…

Learning the How-To’s of Pastoral Ministry

Several years ago, when I graduated from Biblical Seminary, I was equipped with valuable theological, missiological and philosophical truth…

Biblical Seminary

Teaching to Change Lives – 1 Credit Hour Seminar

Most of us go into ministry to see people transformed by the gospel. Sadly, the reality is that many people who come to Christian services…

October 16 Event: Blood Drive

Since 2010, Biblical has partnered with the American Red Cross by hosting regular blood drives. We invite you to join us for the upcoming…

Remembering September 11, 2001

Today we remember the 9/11 tragedy of 17 years ago — the abrupt loss of life, the dazed faces of dust-covered women and men who made it out…

Can Christians Call God Allah?

Can Christians Call God Allah?

“[Christians and Muslims] worship the same God.” These words on a Facebook post by a Wheaton College professor, Larycia Hawkins, whose…

Confessing Sexual Sin: Psalm 51

“When a pastor commits a sexual sin does he need to confess it to the entire church?” This question was asked during my Psalms class last…

October 6 Event: Founders’ Day Celebration & Open House

As BTS embarks on a new journey into the city of Philadelphia as Missio Seminary, we recognize that we stand on the shoulders of those who…