What's Happening at Missio

Join us as we follow Jesus into the world through the many happenings at Missio as our community of missional leaders bring the Gospel to life. Navigate with the links below and sign up for the convenience of a monthly newsletter to update you by email.

On the Death of Walter Wallace Jr

As followers of Jesus, we join in grief with the family of Walter Wallace Jr. and the community of West Philadelphia.

October 1: PULPIT Information Session

Missio is pleased to announce its Program for Urban Leaders and Pastors in Transition is currently accepting applications for Cohort II.

August 20 Webinar: Sexism and Racism

Join us as we continue our discussion on racism, with an emphasis on sexism as manifested in the workplace and the church.

The Last Words of John Lewis

Congressman John Lewis, who died on July 17, wrote this essay shortly before his death. He wanted it to be published on the day of his…

PULPIT Now Accepting 2020-21 Applications

Missio is pleased to announce its Program for Urban Leaders and Pastors in Transition is currently accepting applications for Cohort II.

Classes Remain Online for Fall 2020

As we continue to monitor the situation with COVID-19, Missio has decided to continue holding classes in an online format through Fall…

Summer Retreat 2020

The Program for Urban Leaders and Pastors in Transition held its first retreat at the Conference Center of Valley Forge.

In Memoriam: CT Vivian and John Lewis

This past Friday, we lost two giants of the civil rights movement—CT Vivian and John Lewis. 

July 30 Webinar: Racism and the American Church

On Thursday, July 30, 2020 from 7:30-9 PM, Missio Seminary will foster authentic discussion on the history of racism within American…

July 15 & 16 Events: Virtual Open Houses

You are invited to virtual open houses for the Graduate School of Counseling and Bible/Theology programs.