Frank A. James III is the retired President and Professor of Historical Theology at Missio Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. He formerly served as Provost and Professor of Historical Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He studied history under Alister McGrath for his DPhil at Oxford University and added a second PhD in Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary/Pennsylvania.
Frank is the author of Peter Martyr Vermigli and Predestination: The Augustinian Inheritance of an Italian Reformer (Oxford University Press); editor of Peter Martyr Vermigli and the European Reformations: Semper Reformanda (Brill); coeditor with Heiko Oberman of Via Augustini: Augustine in the Later Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation (Brill) and with Charles Hill of The Glory of the Atonement(IVP); and one of the founding members of the Reformation Commentary on Scripture. His latest book, Church History: From Pre-Reformation to the Present (Zondervan), has just been published. He has also been a consultant and scriptwriter for a historical documentary film series.
Frank currently serves as the chair of the Faith and Spirituality Advisory Board for the Department of Behavioral Health in Philadelphia and has been appointed to serve on the Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction subcommittee of the Mayor’s Task Force to Combat the Opioid Epidemic in Philadelphia.
Frank is married to Carolyn Custis James, noted author and speaker. They have one daughter, Allison, and two granddaughters.
BA, Political Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
MA, in Religion, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA
DPhil, Oxford University, Faculty of Modern History (St. Peter’s College), Oxford, England
PhD, Historical and Theological Studies, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA
Areas of Expertise
Church History
Historical Theology
On the Web
Article Regarding the Reformation and Marriage – How the Reformation saved bachelors
Article Regarding Treatment of Women During the Reformation – PDA: Like a Lutheran or a Calvinist?
Interview with Missio Alliance – Seminary Dropout 140: Frank James, Logos Video Course “Introducing Church History”
Selected Publications

Co-author with John D. Woodbridge, Church History: Reformation to the Present, vol. 2 (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013). Companion volume to Church History: From Christ to Pre- Reformation, vol. 1 by Everett Ferguson.

Peter Martyr Vermigli and Predestination: The Augustinian Inheritance of an Italian Reformer, Oxford Theological Monographs (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998).

“Missional is Mission Critical,” afterword, Reformed Means Missional: Following Jesus into the World, edited by Sam T. Logan (Philadelphia: New Growth Press, 2013), pp. 253-54.
Posts from Dr. James
Sunday’s Sermon
May 19, 2022
We share in the grief of friends and family who lost loved ones to the unspeakable violence in Buffalo
0 Comments2 Minutes
Black History Month Video Message
February 28, 2022
As we celebrate Black History Month at Missio Seminary, President Frank James shares the impact Black missional leaders have had on him and his missional journey.
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A Heartfelt Discussion with Sister Thelma White and Pastor Kevin Haynesworth
February 23, 2022
A Heartfelt Discussion with Sister Thelma White and Pastor Kevin Haynesworth
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