Becoming an Authentic Ally was a free webinar hosted by Missio on June 25, 2020.
Many American Christians of all races, along with others in the nation, have turned out in large numbers in the streets of our cities to protest police misconduct and racial injustice in the past few weeks. One of the questions that non-black Christians have wrestled with as they sought to support the cause of racial justice has been “How can I become a true ally to my black sisters and brothers?” This panel will explore this critical issue at the heart of what it means for us to be one body in Christ at this time in our history.
Recommended Resources:
- Biss, Eula – White Debt
- Coates, Ta-Nehisi – The Case for Reparations
- Martin Luther King, Jr. – Letter from a Birmingham Jail
- OPSEU – What does it mean to be an ally?
- Diangelo, Robin – White Fragility: Why it is so hard for white people to talk about racism
- Gilliard, Dominique DuBois – Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for justice that restores
- Gustine, Adam – Becoming a Just Church: Cultivating communities of God’s shalom
- Hart, Drew – Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the way the church views racism
- Kendi, Ibram X. – How to be an Antiracist
- Leong, David – Race & Place: How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation
- Tisby, Jemar – The Color of Compromise: The truth about the American Church’s complicity in racism
Moderator: Dr. Kyuboem Lee (Director of DMin Program, editor of Journal of Urban Mission)
- Rev. Betty Wright-Riggins (Missio PULPIT cohort leader, spiritual director, spiritual formation and retreat leader, staff Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development, and church consultant)
- Dr. Larry Anderson, Jr. (Adjunct Professor, Senior Pastor of Great Commission Church, and Director of Church Health for the Southern Baptist Convention of PA and South Jersey)
- Dr. Susan Baker (Assistant Director of the DMin Program, Ministry Coordinator of Spirit and Truth Fellowship church)
- Rev. Rubén Ortiz (Executive Director of Hispanic Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity and Director of National Programs at Esperanza)
- Dr. Adam Gustine (Missio DMin, ’14; Assistant Director of the Social Concerns Seminars program at Notre Dame University)

Dr. Kyuboem Lee
Kyuboem Lee, D.Min., is the Doctor of Ministry Program Director and Associate Professor of Missiology. He is also the general editor for the Journal of Urban Mission.