Sexism and Racism was a free webinar hosted by Missio on August 20, 2020.
In light of the continuing injustices throughout our world, there is yet another subtle “ism” that continues to raise its ugly head in the form of sexism. Discrimination, prejudice, and stereotypes typically against women, sexism also suggests that a particular sex or gender is more preferred or superior than the other.
Join us as we continue our discussion on racism, with an emphasis on sexism as manifested in the workplace and the church. This webinar intends to address the inconsistencies between gendered racism, identify the needs of those who have experienced sexism, and empower everyone to help lead a positive change in sexism and racism that will manifest itself as equality for all!
Recommended Resources:
- Frye, Jocelyn – Racism and Sexism Combine to Shortchange Working Black Women (American Progress)
- Williams, Caroline R. – You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body is a Confederate Monument. (The New York Times)
- Brown, Austin Channing – I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness
- Cone, James H. – For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church
- Cooper, Brittney – Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower
- Glymph, Thavolina – Out of the House of Bondage: Transformation of the Plantation Household
- Harrison, Valerie & Kathryn Peach D’Angelo – Do Right by Me: Learning to Raise Black Children in White Spaces
- Kendi, Ibram X. – How to be an Antiracist
- Kendi, Ibram X. – Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America
- Khang, Kathy – Your Voice: Why We Stay Silent and How to Speak Up
- Mitchem, Stephanie V. – Introducing Womanist Theology
- Williams, Delores – Sisters in the Wilderness: The Challenge of Womanist God-Talk
Moderator: Rev. Valerie Andrews (PULPIT program director, senior pastor of the Eternal Life Missionary Baptist Church in Philadelphia)
- Amy Castro Baker, PhD, MSW (assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania in the School of Social Policy and Practice; Co-PI of the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration under Mayor Michael Tubbs)
- Dr. Lisa L. Croft (physician executive for a managed care company; life member of NAACP)
- Dr. Valerie Harrison, Esq. (adjunct professor & senior advisor for equity, diversity and inclusion at Temple University; co-author of Do Right By Me)
- Rev. Dr. Kimberlee A. Johnson (director of the Center for Community Engagement and Prison Education Program, and faculty member at Eastern University; founder and leader of Fellowship of Women Clergy)
- Rev. Dr. Lester W. Taylor, Jr. (senior pastor of Community Baptist Church of Englewood; adjunct professor at New Brunswick Theological Seminary and New York Theological Seminary)
- Dr. Phillip L. Pointer, Sr. (senior pastor of Saint Mark Baptist Church; associate professor of Philosophy and Religion and chair of the department of Philosophy & Religion at Philander Smith College)