R. Todd Mangum, PhD
Clemens Professor of Missional Theology
Director of Master of Theology Program
Academic Dean
Todd Mangum received the John F. Walvoord Award for Outstanding Work in Eschatology from Dallas Theological Seminary where he received his PhD in 2001. Dr. Mangum’s first book, The Dispensational-Covenantal Rift (Waynesboro, GA: Paternoster, 2007), is widely acclaimed as providing a definitive history on the debate between dispensationalists and covenant theologians. He has also written numerous articles seeking to repair breaches among various segments of Bible-believing Christianity, and advancing a generously orthodox, missional approach to theology and ministry in the postmodern, post-Christian context.
Dr. Mangum is ordained by the Southern Baptist Convention and he serves frequently as pulpit supply in several area churches; he is also an active churchman at Grace Bible Church, Souderton. Todd and his wife, Linda, reside in Souderton, PA, as do their three sons and one daughter-in-law.
What does it mean to build a church that is missional?
BS, Philadelphia College of Bible
MA, MDiv, STM, Biblical Theological Seminary
PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary
Areas of Expertise
Covenant Theology
On the Web
COVID-19: Is this Pandemic God’s Prophesied Judgement? on the Central Schwenkfelder Church podcast
The Pandemic as God’s Judgement in Christianity Today
The Danger of Everything Going Well on the Christian History Institute blog.
Three Models of Hell in Christianity Today
Is There A Reformed Way to Get the Benefits of the Atonement to ‘Those Who Have Never Heard’? in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
Selected Publications

The Dispensational-Covenantal Rift: The Fissuring of American Evangelical Theology from 1936 to 1944(Bletchley: Paternoster, 2007).

Co-author with Mark S. Sweetnam, The Scofield Reference Bible: Its History and Impact on the Evangelical Church (Bletchley: Paternoster, 2009).

“High Hopes for 21st-Century Dispensationalism,” Presentation to the Dispensational Study Group of the Evangelical Theological Society, Nashville, TN, 2000.
Post from Todd
Saying Farewell to Phil Ginyard
May 8, 2023
Rev. Dr. Phil Ginyard went home to be with the Lord on Friday, May 5, 2023. He was heavily involved in the creation of Missio's Diploma Program.
0 Comments4 Minutes
In Defense of Missional Theology: A Response to Mark Galli
July 18, 2019
Mark Galli, editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, has devoted a four-part series in Christianity Today to critiquing missional theology and evangelicalism’s embrace of the missional purpose of the church: see 1) https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2019/june-web-only/unfortunate-pedigree-of-missional-church.html; 2) https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2019/june-web-only/church-does-not-exist-for-sake-of-world.html; 3) https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2019/june-web-only/purpose-of-world-to-become-church.html; 4) https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2019/june-web-only/churchs-sickness-unto-death.html. Christianity Today has a well-earned reputation as being the publication of centrist evangelicalism (founded, as it is, by evangelical pillars Billy Graham and Carl F. H. Henry); and Mark Galli, its current editor-in-chief, has a well-earned reputation for level-headed, irenic analysis.
6 Comments15 Minutes
New Perspective(s) On Paul
April 11, 2019
Hot off the press and well worth the read is this book that does a masterful job of laying out the topography of “perspectives” on Paul and illustrating (with sample sermonettes) the difference the various perspectives make in preaching (and applying) “the real point(s)” of Romans.
0 Comments7 Minutes
4 Things That Can Derail Missional Leaders
March 6, 2019
This post by Seth Richardson on the Missional Alliance web page caught my attention. It’s titled, “Addicted to Dysfunction: Healing from Missional Misery.”Â
0 Comments3 Minutes
Saying Farewell to Dr. Vannoy
February 4, 2019
Around 7:15 am on Sunday, February 3, founding faculty member J. Robert Vannoy went to be with the Lord. A memorial service will be held at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Harleysville on Saturday, February 9th. There will be time to visit with the family beginning at 10 AM. The service is at Noon, and will be immediately followed by a private off-site interment.
10 Comments4 Minutes
A Walk through African American History and Culture
January 21, 2019
Professor Todd Mangum and Dr. Larry Anderson Reflect on their walk through The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. A number of our Missio grads are serving in leadership in the Southern Baptist Convention in our region. One of the missional, Kingdom strategies being pursued – racial reconciliation. A set of pilot exercises and conversations are currently being conducted in southeast Pennsylvania that could end up impacting the whole convention, including deep into the south of the Mason Dixon line. Now, wouldn’t that be something?
0 Comments13 Minutes