R. Todd Mangum, PhD

Clemens Professor of Missional Theology
Director of Master of Theology Program
Academic Dean

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Todd Mangum received the John F. Walvoord Award for Outstanding Work in Eschatology from Dallas Theological Seminary where he received his PhD in 2001. Dr. Mangum’s first book, The Dispensational-Covenantal Rift (Waynesboro, GA: Paternoster, 2007), is widely acclaimed as providing a definitive history on the debate between dispensationalists and covenant theologians. He has also written numerous articles seeking to repair breaches among various segments of Bible-believing Christianity, and advancing a generously orthodox, missional approach to theology and ministry in the postmodern, post-Christian context.

Dr. Mangum is ordained by the Southern Baptist Convention and he serves frequently as pulpit supply in several area churches; he is also an active churchman at Grace Bible Church, Souderton. Todd and his wife, Linda, reside in Souderton, PA, as do their three sons and one daughter-in-law.

What does it mean to build a church that is missional?


BS, Philadelphia College of Bible

MA, MDiv, STM, Biblical Theological Seminary

PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary

Areas of Expertise




Covenant Theology

On the Web

COVID-19: Is this Pandemic God’s Prophesied Judgement? on the Central Schwenkfelder Church podcast

The Pandemic as God’s Judgement in Christianity Today

The Danger of Everything Going Well on the Christian History Institute blog.

Three Models of Hell in Christianity Today

Is There A Reformed Way to Get the Benefits of the Atonement to ‘Those Who Have Never Heard’? in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

Selected Publications

The Dispensational-Covenantal Rift: The Fissuring of American Evangelical Theology from 1936 to 1944(Bletchley: Paternoster, 2007).

Co-author with Mark S. Sweetnam, The Scofield Reference Bible: Its History and Impact on the Evangelical Church (Bletchley: Paternoster, 2009).

“High Hopes for 21st-Century Dispensationalism,” Presentation to the Dispensational Study Group of the Evangelical Theological Society, Nashville, TN, 2000.

Post from Todd