Philip G. Monroe, PsyD

Taylor Visiting Professor of Counseling & Psychology

Contact Philip   View CV


Dr. Monroe is a licensed and practicing psychologist with Diane Langberg & Associates. His primary passion lies in enabling the church to minister to hurting individuals and his focus is helping counselors build effective counseling skills and relationships so that lives may be transformed. Other interests include global trauma recovery, ethics, racial reconciliation, and addiction. A requested speaker, Phil’s contributions to the wider counseling community include articles, book chapters, and numerous presentations at conferences. He lives in Roslyn, PA with his wife, Kim, and their two sons.


BA, Berkshire Christian College

MAR, Westminster Theological Seminary

MA, Wheaton College

PsyD, Wheaton College

Areas of Expertise

Effective Counseling Skills

Global Mental Health


Racial Reconciliation

Sexual Addictions

Critical Thinking Skills

Posts from Phil

Philadelphia Seminary

Should You Get A Doctorate in Counseling or Psychology?

In recent weeks, I have had several students ask me about the pros/cons of doctoral programs in psychology. I would point those who know they want to attend a traditional clinical psychology program to this book by the APA. It offers lots of helpful data on programs and what they require.

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