I serve as the General Editor of the Journal of Urban Mission, along with Associate Editors, Dr. Susan Baker who helps me direct the DMin program at Missio, and Dr. Kimberlee Johnson who teaches at Eastern University and is an alum of Biblical/Missio. I am happy to announce that we have a new issue out now—please check us out at jofum.com. This issue, Volume 5 Issue 1, is special in several ways:
- First, it represents a relaunch of the Journal. It had been dormant for a few years, having started as a labor of love between Dr. Manuel Ortiz, Dr. Sue Baker, and myself, in order to carry on the work of the original Urban Mission journal that ran during the 80s and 90s, first led by Roger Greenway, then by Harvie Conn, who taught urban mission at Westminster when I was a student there and who was instrumental in my sense of calling to the city in general and to Philadelphia in particular. After a few years, the old website was getting dated, and we needed a refreshed design that was also mobile friendly—I’m happy to say that after much work by a number of good people, we got that in the new JofUM 2.0.
- Second, this issue is the first issue with Missio Seminary as the new institutional home for the Journal. One of the reasons the Journal went dormant was that it was sort of “homeless,” without institutional support, and that approach could take us only so far before resources and energy started running out. Being under the auspices of Missio will enable the Journal to continue its work of seeking the mission of God in cities throughout the world more consistently.
- Third, a large portion of the new issue is dedicated to the memory of our friend, pastor and mentor, Dr. Manuel Ortiz, who passed away two years ago. Together with Dr. Baker, he led the way as teacher and practitioner of urban mission in Chicago and Philadelphia for over 40 years. Many Missio students have wonderful memories of his teaching and ministry; many of them have been profoundly affected by him. In many ways, he represents the heart and soul of what the Journal is about.
I would like to ask you to, first, go to jofum.com and check out the articles and interact as you feel so moved. Second, please spread the word, especially to your friends and family that you think could benefit from the Journal. Please share on your social media, by emailing or texting articles, and the myriad other ways we are connected to our networks these days. Third, if you have stirring within you articles, case studies of urban mission in action, reviews of books, or artworks that can be featured on the site to accompany posts that you feel could contribute to the conversation, please send them our ways and let’s be in conversation. Please accept my gratitude for your partnership in this aspect of the missio dei.
Table of Contents:
- Kyuboem Lee – Letter from the General Editor
- Kyuboem Lee – In Memoriam: Manuel Ortiz (1938-2017)
- Susan Baker – The Life and Ministry of an Urban Pastor: Manuel (Manny) Ortiz (1938-2017)
- Sahr Mbriwa – Taking the Narrow Gate: How Lament Shapes Multicultural Ministry and Discipleship
- Matthew Hallam – Traits of Effective Urban Disciplers: a Pauline Perspective
- Susan Baker – Review: Race and Place: How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation
- Josef Berthold – Case Study of Habecker Mennonite Church

Dr. Kyuboem Lee
Kyuboem Lee, D.Min., is the Doctor of Ministry Program Director and Associate Professor of Missiology. He is also the general editor for the Journal of Urban Mission.