1 Credit Hour Seminar Course Audit Registration

This form is for those who are not currently enrolled students at Missio, but would like to take a 1 credit hour seminar as an audit for personal enrichment. The cost to audit a 1 credit hour seminar is a special reduced price of $99 to be paid via Paypal once you complete this form. You will be redirected to the payment page.

Please note the following:

  1. Enrolled students have priority for face to face classes. There are a limited number of seats. For most one credit hour seminars we are able to accommodate 5-10 in person audit students.
  2. If you choose the online option, you are able to follow a live-streamed version of the class. You do not have permission to to record or distribute the live-streamed content.
This course will be offered via Zoom and a link will be sent to you once your payment has been received.
$ 0.00